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What is Gaslighting?

A hot topic in today’s world, gaslighting is a form of manipulation, often subtle, to gain control over another through means of instilling doubt. It’s a way in which someone can make you believe you are the insane one and the limiting one in any given situation. It’s a way in which they can get you to orient your entire reality around them as a superior, required source of information.

What is Turning Off the Gas of Gaslighting?

Turning Off the Gas of Gaslighting evening class is an invitation to address the subtlety of energies that would allow you to function again as you, without the requirement to fight, defend, avoid or separate from anyone. To undo the self-doubt and self-defense that opens the doors to others having the ability to gaslight you in the first place.

Upcoming Classes

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Dates: July 12, 2024
Location: Rio de Janeiro BR & Livestreamed

Times: 5:00pm-7:00pm Brasilia Time

Price: $150 USD

(country pricing available)

Replays for Purchase



  • 1 x mp3 audio call recording


$250 USD
(country pricing available)


Translation is available in French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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  • 1 x mp3 audio call recording

  • 1 x video recording


$250 USD
(country pricing available)


Translation is available in  Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.


A New Invitation

As a therapist and facilitator, I have the pleasure of working with people from all walks of life, and one area of concern is relationships. Whether someone is exploring their relationship with parents, a lover, an ex, or a coworker, there is bound to be at least one moment where difficulties arise. One topic that seems to be emerging more and more is gaslighting, or systemic and subtle manipulation, which leaves one partner feeling less than they are.  This is about more than simply knowing what gaslighting is or how to "get out of it" or "fix it", an exploration of what allows it to exist in the first place. It's empowering everyone to know themselves so well that you never go to doubt again. And, I'd like to personally invite you!


John Wheeler, LPCC

Free Resources

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A Taste of Shutting Off the Gas to Gaslighting - Replay
Ep. 47 Gaslighting - The Dance to Oneness Podcast with Amy Shine
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The Come Alive Podcast - Episode 08: Gaslighting...What is it Really?
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Gaslighting or Manipulation? Interview with Donnielle Carter
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